Jueves 28/04
Viernes 29/04
08h30 |
09h00 |
Decentralized formation control and obstacle avoidance for mobile robots
Plenary Talk: Nicholas Gans (University of Texas, Dallas, USA).
09h20 |
From robots and vision to multi-robot systems
Plenary Talk: Carlos Sagüés (U. de Zaragoza, Spain).
10h20 |
Short Talk 7: America Morales Díaz (Cinvestav-Saltillo). Mobile robotics and group coordination
10h40 |
Short Talk 1: José Núñez Varela (UASLP). Probabilistic robotics and models of gaze control
11h05 |
Coffee break |
11h25 |
Coffee break |
11h20 |
Short Talk 8: Noé G. Aldana Murillo (CIMAT). Vision-based localization of humanoid robots
11h40 |
Short Talk 2: Hugo Carlos Martínez (CIMAT). An analysis of policies from stochastic linear quadratic Gaussian in robotics problems with state- and control-dependent noise
12h00 |
Short Talk 9: Josafat Delfín Márquez (Cinvestav-Saltillo). Visual path following for humanoid navigation in indoor environmets
12h20 |
Teasers posters |
12h40 |
Teasers posters |
12h35 |
Poster session |
12h55 |
Poster session |
13h45 |
Lunch |
13h45 |
Lunch |
15h00 |
Short Talk 3: Emmanuel Nuño Ortega (U. de Guadalajara). Energy shaping in multirobot systems: Leaderless and leader-follower consensus
15h00 |
Short Talk 10: Enrique Sucar (INAOE). Searching for objects in domestic environments with mobile robots
15h45 |
Short Talk 4: Edgar Martínez Rodríguez (CIMAT). A motion strategy for exploration of an unknown environment with a differential drive disc robot
15h45 |
Short Talk 11: Victor Nuñez Nalda (UPS). Humanoid walking based on inverse kinematics
16h30 |
Coffe break |
16h30 |
Coffe break |
16h45 |
Short Talk 5: Antonio Marín Hernández (UV). Service robots: Home furniture detection and localization
16h45 |
Short Talk 12: Marco Morales (ITAM). Planning push motions
17h30 |
Short talk 6: Irving Vasquez (INAOE), Multirotor UAV Coverage Planning under Wind Conditions
17h30 |
Short Talk 13: Alberto Elias Petrilli (UNACAR). Real Time Visual SLAM
18h15 |
Master Program Talk |
18h15 |